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 15 Minutes of Frame

Presented by

Lucky's Lighting & Gail's 24 Bond Arts Center


This playwrights’ festival presents 9 plays—eac 15 minutes long—selected from 70 plays  who've entered to participate in this competition. 


These incredibly gifted playwrights have gathered actors and rehearsed within an extremely limited amount of time, calibrating artists as they compete for an extended weekend at the Gene Frankel Theatre. The audience will vote on which play they would like to see developed!


We believe in developing an artist’s work. The intentionally loosely woven presentation of this competition encourages the unexpected, giving participating artists the opportunity to think on their feet and not follow rules. The playwrights find an approach in their own terms.


And, we look to you, our audience, to select the most captivating play. The story? Do you want to know more? Is it relevant to who we are as human beings right now?

The directing, the acting: all of this helps deliver the plays. 

Gail Thacker, Artistic Director of Gene Frankel Theatre & 24 Bond Arts Center. 

Thacker, espousing  her “life as art philosophy,” continues building a body of work about her experiences & people within the artistic LGBT community in Polaroid  & Theatre.

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First Place

 Save The Penguins

Written by Racheal Seagal

Directed By Laura Archer

Second Place

 The Table Read

Written by Lou Johnson

Directed By Aviva Katz

Third  Place

 The Mass Extinction

Written by Lenny Hort

Directed By Stephen Christopher Anthony

Honorable Mention

The Dandiest Duo

Written by Marcus Harmon

Directed By Marcus Harmon